Expand Your Business with Saudi’s Remarkable Growing Market

We simplifies FDI setup in Saudi Arabia by helping clients achieve their business objectives with expert guidance and support.


Why invest in Saudi Arabia?

Investing in Saudi Arabia offers foreign investors access to a large and growing market, tax incentives, a supportive regulatory environment, and significant opportunities in the rapidly growing technology sector. With a stable political environment, a skilled workforce, and a strategic location at the crossroads of three continents, Saudi Arabia is an ideal gateway for trade and investment between Asia, Europe, and Africa. Recent developments, including the creation of the Public Investment Fund (PIF) and several regulatory reforms, make Saudi Arabia an even more attractive destination for tech startups, medium companies, and corporate looking to expand their operations in the Middle East and North Africa region.

Benefits of investing in Saudi Arabia

Large and Growing Market

Saudi Arabia is the largest economy in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, with a GDP of over $1 trillion in 2022, providing significant opportunities for foreign investors.

Strategic Location

With a strategic location at the crossroads of three continents, Saudi Arabia offers access to global markets and serves as an ideal gateway for trade and investment between Asia, Europe, and Africa.

Stable Political Environment

Saudi Arabia has a stable political environment and a supportive regulatory framework, which provides a secure and predictable business environment for foreign investors.

Tax Incentives

The Saudi Arabian government offers tax incentives to foreign investors, including exemptions from corporate income tax for up to 10 years for qualifying companies, making it an attractive destination for investors.

Skilled Workforce

Saudi Arabia has a skilled workforce, with a focus on developing human capital and promoting entrepreneurship and innovation.

Technology and Innovation

Saudi Arabia has a rapidly growing technology sector, driven by increasing government investment and a supportive regulatory environment, presenting significant opportunities for foreign investors to tap into this growing market.

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The second pillar of our vision is our determination to become a global investment powerhouse. Our nation holds strong investment capabilities, which we will harness to stimulate our economy and diversify our revenues.

Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz
Crown prince of saudi arabia

FDI Process

The FDI setup process in Saudi Arabia involves several steps that foreign investors must follow to establish and operate a business in the country. The process typically includes the following steps:


Choose a company name that complies with local regulations.


Draft the company’s articles of association, which must be notarized by a Saudi Arabian notary public.


Obtain a commercial registration certificate from the Ministry of Commerce and Investment (MOCI).


Register with the General Organization for Social Insurance (GOSI) for social insurance purposes.


Obtain any necessary permits and licenses from relevant government agencies.


Open a bank account in the company’s name.


Register for tax purposes with the General Authority of Zakat and Tax (ZATCA).

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The process involves navigating multiple government agencies and complying with various regulations, which can be time-consuming and confusing for those unfamiliar with the local business landscape. Additionally, language and cultural barriers can pose additional challenges for foreign investors. However, Soft Landing SA provides expert guidance and support to help foreign investors successfully navigate this process and achieve their business objectives in the Saudi Arabian market.

Our Services

We offer a comprehensive range of services to support businesses in every stage of their Saudi Arabian operations to help businesses succeed in the Saudi market

In the Pre Setup phase, Soft Landing SA provides essential services to support foreign investors in their journey towards establishing a presence in Saudi Arabia.

Market Entry Advisory Support

Offers expert guidance and strategic advice, assisting clients in assessing market opportunities, understanding regulatory requirements, and developing a customized entry strategy

Market Discovery Program

Offers immersive experiences and in-depth market research, enabling clients to gain valuable insights into the Saudi Arabian market landscape, consumer behavior, and industry trends

Soft Landing SA's four phases encompass a comprehensive suite of services tailored to support foreign investors throughout their FDI setup journey in Saudi Arabia. With our expertise, dedication, and commitment to client success, we aim to be the trusted partner for businesses seeking to establish and grow their presence in the Saudi Arabian market.

How it works?

Soft Landing SA works in four simple steps

Send a request

Get in touch with us by sending a request for our services.


Our team will schedule a consultation call to understand your unique needs and business objectives in Saudi Arabia.

FDI setup

Based on the consultation, we will provide tailored solutions to help you navigate the FDI setup process and comply with local regulations.


We are committed to building long-term partnerships with our clients and providing ongoing support to help them expand and succeed in the Saudi Arabian market.


Soft Landing SA is committed to supporting foreign investors in Saudi Arabia by providing high-quality services and expert guidance throughout the FDI setup process. Our commitment is based on the following principles: